2025 Winners!
Our winners this year are great examples of communities members who care deeply for the marine environment and have dedicated their time to the never ending work.
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Our winners this year are great examples of communities members who care deeply for the marine environment and have dedicated their time to the never ending work.
Read More about this years' winners!
The award selection committee came together this year (2025), and after many years of expressing that we wish we could celebrate more volunteer’s and their hard work. We decided to update the award to “volunteers” of the year. Island County has so many amazing volunteers that we want to celebrate and acknowledge.
The Jan Holmes Island County Coastal Volunteer of the Year Award is named to honor the memory of Jan Holmes, who was an exemplary marine scientist, educator and champion for stewardship of the marine environment.
In recognition of the continuing need for volunteers to carry on this important cause, the Awards will be presented annually to three volunteers engaged in service, science or outreach relating to the health of Island County’s marine environment and coastal resources.
Nominations are open to anyone, regardless of organization or affiliation. The intent of the award is to encourage and recognize the achievements of volunteers who work to understand, protect and restore the marine waters and coastal resources of Island County.
The award is sponsored by the Island County Marine Resources Committee (MRC), Sound Water Stewards (SWS), and Washington State University (WSU) Island County Extension. A committee representing the three sponsoring organizations selects one winner. The award is presented during the opening ceremonies of Sound Waters University, an annual one-day university held on the first Saturday in February.
Scott Chase: 2024
Scott Chase is a leader in the world of environmental and marine resource conservation. He is well deserved to win the Jan Holmes award for 2024.
This award, presented by the Island County Marine Resources Committee, Sound Water Stewards, and WSU Extension – Island County, is given every year to an outstanding volunteer whose efforts contribute to the protection and restoration of the Island County marine ecosystem and coastal resources. The award is named to honor the memory of Jan Holmes, an exemplary marine scientist, educator, and champion for stewardship of the marine environment.
After Scott retired from WSU Extension in 2018, he continued feeding his passion for the land and marine environment as a volunteer. His passion has not been just for the coastal environment around Camano and Whidbey Islands, but also for the education and inspiration of residents to actively protect their precious surroundings. Scott is the ultimate networker who brings people together to take action.
He is a thoughtful, enthusiastic participant in all of his volunteer endeavors. Although, a Camano resident he frequently drives to Whidbey Island to participate in volunteer activities. Scott is known for his ability to recall events and work done throughout the region. He brings decades of volunteerism and work experience to the table along with being a holder of historical information. He is a generous spirit who has dedicated much of his time volunteering for various organizations. Some of these organizations include the Sound Water Stewards, Island County Marine Resources Committee, Cama Beach Foundation, Lighthouse Environmental Program, and WSU Waste Wise. He has devoted over 900 hours to the Sound Water Stewards alone. Scott’s unwavering dedication to the health of our environment, and his ability to encourage and inspire others, make his substantial volunteer efforts even more meaningful.
Scott’s education and stewardship activities have had an impact across Island County. Congratulations to Scott and we are thankful for all of his hard work to make the Salish Sea a better place!
John Lovie: 2023
John Lovie is a leader in the world of water quality and marine resource conservation. He is well deserved in winning the Jan Holmes award for 2023.
This award, presented by the Island County Marine Resources Committee, Sound Water Stewards, and WSU Extension – Island County, is given every year to an outstanding volunteer whose efforts contribute to the protection and restoration of the Island County marine ecosystem and coastal resources. The award is named to honor the memory of Jan Holmes, an exemplary marine scientist, educator, and champion for stewardship of the marine environment.
John has been an avid volunteer, dedicating countless hours as part of community science organizations and community-driven boards to improve the water quality, coastal resources, and health of Island County. He can often be heard in his various committees as a voice of reason. He will take on projects and do the difficult work to drive environmental actions and ideas forward. John does more than simply attend meetings; whether he’s giving his opinion on a new Salmon Recovery project or developing technical tools, he always brings a presence of mind and critical eye to Island County’s restoration projects. His words are well thought out and considered, and his passion for protecting and restoring the environment and enhancing water quality always comes through. Island County and the Puget Sound region have benefited from his scientific background and expertise, and his prolific volunteering in multiple areas has given him a vast well of knowledge and context to work from. He shares information from all of his committees and uses it to enhance local knowledge, make connections, and drive projects forward. His background in chemistry and engineering makes him an expert who benefits every organization he is a part of.
He has been a powerhouse of environmental advocacy for Island County’s water and marine resources. Community science advisory boards do not often get the recognition they deserve for the work they do to advance environmental causes and members often go without recognition. The boards that John has served on have benefited greatly from the work he has done, and while that work is often behind-the-scenes, it has driven forward many positive changes for Island County’s (and the region’s) ecological resources.
Congratulations to John, and thank you for all of your hard work to make the Salish Sea a better place!
Frances Wood: 2022
Frances Wood leader of the Pigeon Guillemot Breeding Survey is well deserved in winning the Jan Holmes award for 2022.
This award, presented by the Island County Marine Resources Committee, Sound Water Stewards, and WSU Extension – Island County, is given every year to an outstanding volunteer whose efforts contribute to the protection and restoration of the Island County marine ecosystem and coastal resources.
The award is named to honor the memory of Jan Holmes, an exemplary marine scientist, educator, and champion for stewardship of the marine environment.
Frances Wood in collaboration with Phyllis Kind (recipient of the 2013 award) developed the original protocol which was designed to recruit local volunteers to monitor Pigeon Guillemot colonies along bluffs in Island County. The survey was begun in 2004. In 2020, under Frances’ steady leadership, this initial survey has grown to become the Salish Sea Guillemot Network (SSGN) and is steadily expanding to include multiple locations within the Salish Sea.
Hundreds of local residents in Island County and across the region have volunteered thousands of hours and, through their experiences, have become informed champions for marine conservation. In addition, this base of citizen scientists have collected data with integrity that has been used to further scientific understanding of the Salish Sea. The quality of the Whidbey PIGU Breeding Survey data has been recognized as scientifically valuable and is used by University of Washington (WU), Puget Sound Partnership (PSP) and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) academics and scientists for analysis of marine bird population trends.
Pigeon Guillemots are considered indicator species and their population health is tied to the health of the marine and shoreline ecosystems they use during the course of the breeding season. As one of the few seabirds that both breed and winter in the region, they offer an important tie to our marine environments.
Frances has shown unique vision, leadership and dedication to bring to life a network that advances knowledge regarding the marine and terrestrial ecosystems of the Salish Sea.
Thank you and congratulations to Frances for all her hard work to make the Salish Sea a better place!
Karis Barnes: 2021
Karis Barnes
Meet Karis Barnes, the recipient of the 2021 Jan Holmes Island County Coastal Volunteer of the Year award!
Karis Barnes is no ordinary volunteer. As the youngest volunteer to be awarded the Jan Holmes Island County Coastal Volunteer of the Year award, she is an inspiration to us all.
This award, presented by the Island County Marine Resources Committee, Sound Water Stewards, and WSU Extension – Island County, is given every year to an outstanding volunteer whose efforts contribute to the protection and restoration of the Island County marine ecosystem and coastal resources.
The award is named to honor the memory of Jan Holmes, an exemplary marine scientist, educator, and champion for stewardship of the marine environment. Karis indeed exemplifies the spirit of Jan Holmes, with her passion for working in the field, and for sharing her love of the marine environment by helping others learn about it and encouraging them to explore it for themselves.
This past summer, staff at Deception Pass State Park found themselves facing an increase in park visitation with limited resources to meet the growing need to provide education about tide pool ecosystems and appropriate viewing practices. Karis stepped up to meet this need in her volunteer work as a Beach Naturalist Intern.
Karis went above and beyond in her volunteer work, always arriving early to prepare for the day, and regularly volunteering for additional shifts and to cover holiday weekends. Not only did she volunteer over 186 hours this summer, but she did so with an openhearted personality and positive attitude. Her educational efforts and stewardship messaging helped reach over 20,000 visitors, leaving them with positive memories and nuggets of information about tide pool ecosystems.
Despite the challenges of volunteering during a global pandemic, Karis worked diligently to make the experience inviting, engaging, and accessible to all, helping kids and adults alike find wonder in the natural environment.
Karis spoke about the ways that the youngest visitors would often inspire her. In one instance, a young student impressed Karis with her knowledge of marine creatures. “It was one of many days where a child inspired hope in me, and reminded me why I'm going into this field,” Karis remembered.
We are honored to acknowledge Karis’s volunteer efforts through this award. She has inspired many through her dedication, welcoming personality, and infectious enthusiasm for the marine environment. Karis, you inspire us.
Sandy Dubpernell: 2018
Sandy Dubpernell
Text by Dan Pedersen
When a party of tourists asked Sandy Dubpernell when the next Orca capture event was scheduled in Penn Cove, anyone else might have thrown up their hands. The question came her way at Coupeville Wharf, site of a large marine education display describing the horrific Orca captures of the 1970s.
“Mustering every bit of composure, Sandy quietly explained that the capture of Orcas is illegal in the United States,” said her friend and fellow Sound Water Steward, Marty Crowley, who nominated Dubpernell to be Island County’s 2018 Coastal Volunteer of the Year. On Saturday, Feb. 3, it was announced before a packed house of more than 600 attendees at Sound Waters University, held at South Whidbey High School, that Dubpernell was chosen for the award.
“I’ve always been amazed at Sandy’s patience as she explains, again and again, why Orcas are endangered and what it means when she calls them an indicator species,” Crowley said.
Dubpernell, a stained glass artist at Penn Cove Gallery, moved her studio and her life from New York to Coupeville in 1988 and began looking for ways to volunteer in the community. By 1993 she had graduated from the WSU Beach Watchers program, and she’s been volunteering and teaching about Island County’s marine life ever since.
“She became involved in the Rosie the Gray Whale project and found her niche –- responding to dead, smelly creatures on the beach,” said Susan Berta, co-founder of Orca Network and the Langley Whale Center. “She has a scientific mind, the imagination and creativity of an artist and photographer, toughness and stamina, curiosity and drive to learn and investigate everything about the marine world, and the ability to have a great time while accomplishing unpleasant tasks with a sense of humor!”
“She’s also very organized, meticulous and takes pride in the work she accomplishes to help conserve marine mammal life around Whidbey Island,” adds Dr. Stephanie Norman, veterinarian for the local stranding network.
Among Dubpernell’s many volunteer roles, she is coordinator of the Central Puget Sound Marine Mammal Stranding Network in addition to serving on the board of Orca Network. She is also a regular docent, since 2014, at the Langley Whale Center where she curates the center’s extensive marine mammal specimens.
A member of Sound Water Stewards, Dubpernell is the eighth county resident honored since 2011, when the Island County Marine Resources Committee and WSU Extension – Island County created the Jan Holmes Coastal Volunteer of the Year award. Today, Sound Water Stewards also co-sponsors the award as a third partner.
Holmes, for whom the award is named, joined the young Beach Watcher program in 1990 and, within a few years, earned her masters degree in marine biology. She led the effort in shoreline intertidal monitoring that resulted in Island County having more information about its shoreline than probably any other county in all of Puget Sound, according to Don Meehan, former director of WSU Extension – Island County. She was a leader of the all-volunteer eelgrass monitoring team, a very technical group. Like Dubpernell, Holmes loved teaching and loved helping others.
Preceding Dubpernell as winners of the Coastal Volunteer Award were Barbara Brock, Sammye Kempbell, Phyllis Kind, Jill Hein, Ken Urstad, Bob Gentz and Connie Clark.
Nicole Luce: 2020
Nicole Luce accepts award.
In a marine-based environmental organization like Sound Water Stewards, it is important to have strong leaders who can provide science-based activities for which volunteers can take part. It is just as important to have leaders who can bring volunteers together in social settings and activities to make the organization more of an extended family of caring friends who enjoy each other’s company. Nicole Luce is such a leader, for many years being the heart and soul of Sound Water Stewards (SWS), and Beach Watchers before that.
Since taking WSU Beach Watchers training in 1997, Nicole has volunteered around 6400 hours on a great number of projects, not only those of Beach Watchers and Sound Water Stewards, but those of associated partners. Some of those include being on the Beach Watcher Advisory Council, doing Computer Tech work for SWS, being a big part of Sound Waters University, and being on the SWS Training Committee.
You could find her on the beach watching pigeon guillemots as part of a project with Island County Marine Resources Committee and Whidbey Audubon Society, recording dead shorebirds for the Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team (COASST), assisting with the Marine Mammal Stranding Network, or simply cleaning up beach litter while walking along the shoreline. She has been a big part of K-12 Environmental Education, WSU Waste Wise activities, and fundraising for Sound Water Stewards and the Lighthouse Environmental Programs. This is just a small sample of some of her many activities. And if there is a SWS social activity taking place, whether it’s a picnic, holiday party, retreat at Fort Worden, or any other celebration in which volunteers can enjoy themselves and have a good time, you know that Nicole was likely behind it in some way.
Nicole is dedicated to our environment in her volunteer life as well as in her personal life. She truly walks the talk when it comes to the environment, and lives in a “green” home that demonstrates just how sustainable home life can be. She is a volunteer who is willing to do anything that is needed, from taking lead on projects to making a great cup of coffee, and always with a positive attitude and a smile. She is a can-do-it type of person that has made volunteering and working with her an absolute pleasure. Nicole does an amazing job on anything she touches. She is a great leader and efficient worker bee, and has been a backbone of the SWS community, contributing to the health of our Island County shorelines.
Nicole was awarded the 2020 Jan Holmes Island County Coastal Volunteer or the Year award on Saturday, February 1, before a crowd of over 600 attendees at Sound Waters University. The award is hosted by Island County Marine Resources Committee, Sound Water Stewards, and Washington State University Extension – Island County, and awarded annually to a volunteer who has demonstrated exceptional volunteer service relating to the health of Island County’s marine environment. Preceding Luce as winners of the Coastal Volunteer Award were Barbara Brock, Sammye Kempbell, Phyllis Kind, Jill Hein, Ken Urstad, Bob Gentz, Connie Clark, Sandy Dubpernell, and Craig and Joy Johnson.
Connie Clark: 2017
Connie Clark
Carrying out nearshore research and data collection is messy business. Citizen volunteers who do this on the beaches of Whidbey and Camano islands joke about boots in the mud, but the woman they honored Saturday is known for something else.
“She keeps her butt in the chair,” said Jill Hein, one of many who nominated Connie Clark to become the Jan Holmes Island County Coastal Volunteer of the Year.
The award is presented to one individual a year by the Island County Marine Resources Committee, Washington State University Extension and Sound Water Stewards.
Its title is a mouthful, but the honor is huge. Before her death in 2011, Jan Holmes was a passionate advocate of citizen research as a marine biologist and tireless volunteer. She served as a member of the Marine Resources Committee as well as the WSU Beach Watchers. She and her colleagues in the Beach Watchers program championed the study of eelgrass, shoreline life, forage fish and juvenile salmon that rely on the county’s shoreline.
Clark is the creative genius whose web design and data systems make it possible for these volunteers today to record what they find, and for the public to easily register for events such as the huge one they attended Saturday at South Whidbey High School, Sound Waters University. It means long hours for Clark in meetings, brainstorming with others, and then sitting down to the real work, alone, at her computer.
“So much of her work is in the background,” Hein said. “Many people don’t notice.”
Jim Somers was a WSU Beach Watcher in 2007 when Connie and her husband, Neal, applied for membership.
“This was at a time when the organization was in near crisis due to our archaic method of recording volunteer hours, developing an online newsletter and running registration for our programs,” he said. “Little did we know what a treasure Connie would be. She stated she had database and website experience and we thought she would fit in.”
Clark is the seventh county resident honored since 2011, when the Marine Resources Committee and Island County Beach Watchers within WSU Extension created the Jan Holmes Coastal Volunteer of the Year award. Today, Sound Water Stewards, the nonprofit successor to Beach Watchers, also sponsors the award.
Holmes set the bar high for coastal volunteers. Jan joined the young Beach Watchers program in 1990 and, within a few years, earned her master’s degree in marine biology.
“It was just amazing what Jan did,” said Don Meehan, former director of Island County WSU Extension. “She led the effort in shoreline intertidal monitoring. We know more about our Island County shoreline than probably any other county in all of Puget Sound. She cranked up the eelgrass monitoring team, a very technical group. She loved teaching and loved helping others. She accomplished a great deal.”
About Clark, Meehan said, “She is just outrageously spectacular and helpful.”
In addition to Clark’s work for Beach Watchers and now Sound Water Stewards, she has developed online tools and solutions for the Whidbey ECOnet website and calendar, Pigeon Guillemot electronic survey, Snohomish Beach Watchers Sound Living registration, Island County Master Gardener registration, and Whidbey Watershed Stewards website, providing education and outreach information.
Linda Ade Ridder, board president of Sound Water Stewards, said Clark transformed Sound Waters University.
“She first put our catalog online so we didn’t have to mail a 16-page booklet to several thousand people every year. She then created ways to contact presenters and exhibitors online, so that all actions can be tracked by all team members efficiently and with an historical record.”
Clark joins six others who have also earned the annual coastal volunteer honor: Barbara Brock, Sammye Kempbell, Bob Gentz, Phyllis Kind, Jill Hein and Ken Urstad.
Originally published in South Whidbey Record – Feb 8 2017.
Craig & Joy Johnson: 2019
Craig and Joy Johnson accept award. Credit: Joseph Sheldon
It’s all about teamwork - and Craig and Joy Johnson work as a team!
Craig is a multitalented watercolor/oil/graphic artist and photographer and Joy is an educator and writer, combining their talents and skills in ways that are engaging and informative for audiences of all descriptions.
The Jan Holmes Island County Volunteer of the Year Award was announced on Saturday to 600+ attendees, at the annual Sound Waters University, held at South Whidbey High School. The Johnsons were in attendance to accept the Award amidst a very enthusiastic and cheering audience!
The Johnsons speak of the complexities of Puget Sound’s ecosystems, migrations, weather and habitats through the lens of the region’s birdlife and wildlife, and relate their information to mindful human care of terrestrial, shoreline, fresh and marine water habits. They have co-authored many books, brochures, produced DVDs, maintain websites and blogs, created and donated interpretive signage at Swan Lake, Greenbank Farm and other sites, plus offered free educational video content on their website, such as “Puget Sound Area Seabird ID”, “Avoiding Window Strikes” and more. The Johnsons provide all their educational brochures, books and videos free to schools or organizations with educational outreach programs.
Craig and Joy have donated innumerable hours of their valuable artistic and writing skills in support of many Island County organizations including Whidbey Audubon Society, the Whidbey Camano Land Trust, Friends of South Whidbey State Park, Swan Lake Watershed Preservation Group, Pacific Rim Institute, WSU Extension and Sound Water Stewards.
The Johnsons donate their support as health allows, as a labor of love for birds and wildlife. Their focus is on education and inspiration - promoting healthy waters and habitat amongst school children and adults, with many responses from people saying they are going to develop their land with more sensitivity to nature afterward, understanding Craig’s mantra that “all things are connected”.
In Dan Pedersen’s words - “I have never met anyone with their drive to make such a difference. Within a moment of meeting the Johnsons, they realize these people are “the real deal”. They walk the talk!”
Since Craig became disabled by a degenerative neurological disease years ago, he has spent many sleepless nights dreaming up ways to express his passion for birds and wildlife, hoping to inspire others to preserve habitat, whether it be through a wildlife reserve or in their own backyards. With Joy by his side, he continues to push through some very difficult physical challenges, using limited energy to convey the marvels of Creation.
The Johnsons join eight others who have also earned the annual coastal volunteer honor – Barbara Brock, Sammye Kempbell, Phyllis Kind, Jill Hein, Ken Urstad, Bob Gentz, Connie Clark and Sandy Dubpernell.
Bob Gentz: 2016
Bob Gentz admits he briefly considered bolting from the auditorium Saturday when his name flashed up on the screen at Sound Waters University.
But event chair Anne Baum caught his arm and said, "Congratulations, Bob. I’m going to walk you to the stage."
A member of Sound Water Stewards, Gentz is the sixth county resident honored since 2011, when the Island County Marine Resources Committee and WSU Extension – Island County created the Jan Holmes Coastal Volunteer of the Year award. Today, Sound Water Stewards also co-sponsors the award as a third partner.
"Bob is a get 'er done person," said former WSU extension director Don Meehan, who announced the honor and introduced Bret Holmes, stepson of Jan Holmes, for whom the award is named. "Bob has devoted nearly 10,000 hours of service to our county’s coastal beaches." This is both sophisticated research and in-the-trenches work. "He’s not afraid to do the messy stuff. Not hindered by harsh elements, not even phased by a class of sixth-graders."
Referring to Holmes, Beach Watcher and marine biologist who died in 2011, Meehan said, "Jan is our poster child for this award and was a poster child for me in the Beach Watcher program as well."
As Gentz accepted the award he remarked, "Jan was really the inspiration for me and continues to provide motivation for many of us."
Holmes set the bar high for coastal volunteers. She joined the young Beach Watcher program in 1990 and, within a few years, earned her masters degree in marine biology. "Prior to that she was a flight attendant and an artist," Meehan said. "It was just amazing what she did. She led the effort in shoreline intertidal monitoring. We know more about our Island County shoreline than probably any other county in all of Puget Sound. She cranked up the eelgrass monitoring team, a very technical group. She loved teaching and loved helping others. She accomplished a great deal.”
Gentz’s own list of accomplishments is also quite long and defies easy summary.
He participates with teams collecting data on eelgrass health and how juvenile salmon use the shoreline. This information is used by the Island County Marine Resources Committee to plan and evaluate work such as a large beach restoration project currently under way at Cornet Bay. As a member of Sound Water Stewards, Gentz also helps monitor population trends and distribution of marine life on Island County beaches in accordance with scientific protocols. He assists Whidbey Watershed Stewards in smolt counts and spawning surveys, and volunteers with Whidbey Camano Land Trust, Whidbey Audubon and other groups.
His work adds to a large body of knowledge being developed by local volunteers that augments what state and federal agencies have been able to collect with their limited staff and thinly-spread resources.
Gentz also studies trends in seabird mortality as part of the COASST survey and is a member of the Central Puget Sound Marine Mammal Stranding Network. He is treasurer of Goosefoot, focusing on enhancing the environmental and economic vitality of Bayview Corner, and has been treasurer of three local organizations --Whidbey Audubon for two years, Whidbey Island Fly Fishing Club for more than five years, and Whidbey Watershed Stewards for four years, where he has contributed project management for outdoor classroom construction projects.
Gentz joins five others who have also earned the annual coastal volunteer honor – Barbara Brock, Sammye Kempbell, Phyllis Kind, Jill Hein and Ken Urstad.
Text by Dan Pedersen.
Ken Urstad: 2015
Ken Urstad has been named the 2015 Jan Holmes Coastal Volunteer of the Year. Urstad has been involved in numerous projects, including over 3,000 volunteer hours with Beach Watchers. He has also been a member of the Island County MRC for nine years, and has just completed his 3rd three-year term on this advisory committee. He has represented recreational issues as well as served as a liaison for beach seining, eelgrass, and creosote removal projects.
Nominated by a fellow volunteer, Urstad was described as a hardworking volunteer who ensures he provides high quality, thorough work. “Ken Urstad has been and continues to be a tireless volunteer willing to give of his time, work effort, and spirit to contribute to the improvement of the environment in Island County and the Salish Sea.”
He was one of the first volunteers to participate and be trained by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries Biologists in the collection of important scientific data through beach seining. He has been involved in many seining projects in Harrington and Race Lagoons, Ala Spit, West Whidbey, Cypress Island Aquatic Reserve, as well as a 6-year ongoing project at Cornet Bay in Deception Pass State Park.
Urstad has not only volunteered his time, but has also provided his boat for use in eelgrass surveys, and has even made modifications to the boat to accommodate surveying equipment. He has also volunteered to maintain the seining equipment. Urstad was one of the founding members of the Jan Holmes’ Eel Grass team, and has worked with WA DNR through Beach Watchers to help locate creosote treated log debris on the shores of west Whidbey. In addition to his on-the-ground scientific work, Urstad also served on the Sound Waters Committee for 6 years, where he skillfully handled the logistics of recruiting organizations to exhibit at Sound Waters.
Urstad is an exemplary volunteer who has consistently served with passion and commitment. He has always shown a willingness to help out wherever there is a need. The variety of contributions he has made to supporting the health of Island County’s marine environment – from logistics to scientific study to sharing expertise and resources – truly embodies the spirit of this award.
Jill Hein: 2014
Jill Hein has been characterized as a powerful environmental advocate and educator, an untiring leader and visionary, a conduit for individuals, businesses, organizations and agencies and a mentor for hundreds of other volunteers who work to protect and restore our coastal marine waters. “She represents the best in a local resident as a steward of the coastal environment; she takes personal responsibility, teaches others and does the work. She is a champion for learning, sharing and translating knowledge into action.”
An Island County Beach Watcher since 2005 Hein has logged in more than 7000 volunteer hours. In addition to her work as a Beach Watcher, Hein also volunteers with many other environmentally active groups on Whidbey Island including Whidbey Audubon Society, Coastal Observation, Pigeon Guillemot Research Survey team and Seabird Survey Team, the Orca Network and the Central Puget Sound Marine Stranding Network. A skilled nature photographer, for many years, Hein’s photos of local orcas and gray whales have been featured in local and regional newspapers.
Three specific projects exemplify Hein’s contributions as an innovator and inventor; the Eel Grass Monitoring Project, the "Problem with Plastics" brochure, the Monofilament Recovery and Recycling Program for Whidbey Island.
In 2006, as a new Beach Watcher, Hein asked the question, "Why can't we plant some eelgrass?" From this humble beginning a team of volunteers including eelgrass expert Sandy Wyllie-Echeverria and Beach Watchers Jan Holmes (for whom this award is named) and Phyllis Kind embarked upon one of the signature citizen science surveys on all of Whidbey Island, the Eelgrass Monitoring Project at Holmes Harbor. The ongoing collection and data analysis has added to scientific understanding of eelgrass recovery impacting forage fish and other marine species.
Plastic litter in ocean waters and on the beach is uniquely hazardous to sealife. Because it is flexible plastic, litter can entangle all types of creatures from birds, to fish and turtles and even sea mammals; because it may take 100s of years to deteriorate, plastic debris causes harm for a very long time, and because plastic does not disintegrate but instead simply breaks into smaller and smaller pieces that attract toxins in the water, plastic bits are often eaten be sea creatures with deadly results. Beginning with a grant from the Department of Ecology in 2007, Hein started her research for the best available science on the impact of plastics in our marine environment and what can done to mitigate this environmental toxin. This research produced the "Problem with Plastics" brochure which has increased community awareness of this environmental threat.
Another deadly type of marine debris is monofilament (single-strand, high-density, nylon “fishing” line) which is particularly long-lived and easily ensnares many types of marine life – killing, maiming or handicapping them. The Monofilament Recovery and Recycling Program is designed to educate the public about the problems caused by monofilament line left in the environment and to encourage recycling. Bringing this program from Florida to Island County, Hein designed and constructed 20 recycling tubes, installed the tubes at local fishing beaches and has recycled 53 pounds of abandoned fishing line to date. Hein continues to monitor the tubes by emptying and cleaning the tubes and recycling the fishing line.
Using her gift as an educator, Hein has mentored hundreds of volunteers and citizens. Hein has taught classes for the Beach Watcher Training program, reached out to the greater Island County community by working at numerous information booths at festivals and fairs like Musselfest, Penn Cove Water Festival and the Island County Fair. She has dedicated hundreds of hours teaching others as a naturalist aboard the vessel Mystic Sea sharing her knowledge of whales with children and adults of all ages. She has educated other educators assisting them in their quest and passion to leave the world a better place by sharing their knowledge and skills with other learners.
Phyllis Kind: 2013
Phyllis Kind, Ph.D. was presented this award before a packed house of 530 attendees during opening ceremonies of the one-day Sound Waters University. Nominated by a fellow volunteer, Dr. Kind was described as having “an unquenchable curiosity for the natural world and the passion and energy of a college graduate student” who tirelessly volunteered for no less than seven local Washington non-profit organizations.
As a WSU Beach Watcher, Kind has monitored beaches at Maxwelton and South Lagoon Point, made educational presentations and provided support to many affiliated organizations, In 2012, Dr., Kind stepped in to continue an eel grass monitoring project initiated by Jan Holmes in collaboration with Sandy Wyllie-Echeverria of Friday Harbor Labs, to gather a fifth year of data and prepare the study publication. This study, a collaboration of Beach Watchers and the MRC, is an example of how citizen science projects contribute to ongoing research on the health of our coastal waters.
“Her efforts resulted in the designation of two local Stewardship Areas – Saratoga Passage and Admiralty Inlet, which ensured protection to safeguard the waters, marine life, plant life and surrounding shores and beaches” said long time MRC member Dick Toft. He noted that that during the eight years she served on the MRC, Dr. Kind was instrumental in the building public support for our local Marine Protected Areas.
At the same time, Dr. Kind served as Vice-Chair and Chair of the Northwest Straits Commission as they implemented a project to address the ongoing damage posed by derelict fishing gear in Puget Sound to fish, sea mammals, diving birds and shell fish populations.
As a member and leader of the Whidbey Audubon Society, Dr. Kind spearheaded monitoring and data collection of bird species and counts at Deer Lagoon, Dugualla Bay, the Greenbank Farm and Trillium Community Forest. Statistics from these long running studies have been used by numerous organizations to secure grant funding, preserve and protect habitat and advocate for conservation policy.
As co-leader of the Pigeon Guillemot Research Group since 2004, Dr. Kind, and Frances Wood, designed, administered, organized and implemented this survey of a population of sea birds that nest in burrows in the bluffs of Whidbey Island. Each year the Pigeon Guillemot Survey project trains 30-40 citizen scientist volunteers who observe, record and submit data collected from 26 Pigeon Guillemot colony nesting sites around Whidbey Island. The Washington State Department of Ecology recently identified data collected from these surveys as one of several factors to assess the effects of the sinking of the fishing vessel Deep Sea on the habitat and water quality conditions in Penn Cove.
Scientific in her approach, enthusiastic in her manner, eager to make a contribution and always willing to share her time, skills, knowledge and know how, Dr. Kind continues to make a significant impact with the organizations and people she engages. Her legacy of unselfish service and leadership with so many local organizations combined with her significant contributions to citizen science research make Dr. Phyllis Kind a most deserving candidate for this honorable award.
Sammye Kempbell: 2012
Sammye Kempbell of Coupeville is the 2011 Jan Holmes Island County Coastal Volunteer of the Year. She became a WSU Beach Watcher in 2003 and has logged more than 4,000 hours of volunteer time making 41,000 contacts with members of the public, providing beach naturalist interpretive services to school children and speaking about the shoreline at summer festivals, conferences and directly with tourists.
A tragic irony of the shoreline is how easily well-meaning people can wreak destruction unknowingly if not guided in their explorations. At Rosario Beach in Deception Pass State Park, a small pocket of rocky tidepools constitutes an extraordinary nearshore treasure. Low tides expose fragile sea life to the threat of devastating damage from thousands of visitors. On one particularly tragic day, just a single visit to this beach by busloads of school children resulted in severe damage.
Kempbell made it her mission to solve this problem by educating the beach-going public, investing thousands of hours in meeting tour groups and other visitors, welcoming them and explaining the fragility of the shoreline. In 2011, she collaborated with state park staff, the Deception Pass Park Foundation, WSU Island County Beach Watchers and Lighthouse Environmental Programs to launch a formal beach naturalist program. She recruited and trained volunteers, sought funding and organized partnerships with other organizations. The program in 2011 developed a team of 24 trained naturalists who provided interpretive services at 104 low tides at Rosario during the heavily-visited summer months.
Barbara Brock: 2011
Barbara Brock of Camano Island is our 2010 Island County Coastal Volunteer of the Year. She is pictured at Iverson Spit Reserve, where she had just finished installing an MRC interpretive sign with a work party of volunteers from Friends of Camano Island Parks. Carol Triplett snapped the photo.
The selection committee chose Barbara Brock for her extensive volunteer service as a WSU Beach Watcher and for her work with other local groups engaged in environmental stewardship. She is a member of the Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) and has served on the Salmon Technical Advisory Committee, a WRAC subcommittee.
Brock was a member of the first class of WSU Beach Watchers trained on Camano Island in 2002 and helped develop the Shore Stewards program that later expanded to Whidbey Island and throughout Puget Sound. She headed the volunteer team carrying out juvenile salmon seining research on Camano Island during the period of active seining studies there and currently does some salmon recovery work on Kristoferson Creek, where she also keeps an eye on the beavers. She helped develop the county's Camano Island Non-Point Pollution Plan and currently sits on the Shore Stewards Advisory Committee and on the board of Friends of Camano Island Parks.
The MRC collaborated closely with Brock in developing the text and graphics for several shoreline interpretive signs we have installed at English Boom County Park, Iverson Spit Reserve, Camano Island State Park and Cama Beach State Park.