Island County Marine Resources Committee (MRC) is an advisory body to county government established in 1999 and comprised of many community volunteers who represent diverse interests and industries, with the common goal to protect and restore marine resources in the Puget Sound area through scientific monitoring, restoration projects, and community education.

About Us

Photo credit: Rich Yukubousky

If you are interested in joining our team, take a moment to explore our website and learn more about our work. This is a fantastic opportunity to make a difference in your community.

Hugh Shipman - Bulkhead

Shoreline Armoring Survey & Permit Analysis

Our MRC conducted a shoreline survey of how many bulkheads are currently on our shorelines in Island County. The last survey conducted was completed in 2016. Learn more about the survey and the results here. 

07.17.24 Shoreline Armoring Survey And Permit Analysis

MRC 2024 Annual Report

Read about some of what the Marine Resources Committee has been up to in the last year!

2023-2024 Annual Report
Elsa Schwartz - King Tide Flooding

Climate Resiliency White Paper

Take a few minutes to read our White Paper which provides local recommendations for Climate Change and Sea Level Rise.

White Paper

Workshop Recordings Available!

Watch our recordings today to learn more about to protect your shoreline property. 

Watch Videos
Atlantis Steam Robotics Club at the Coupeville Wharf

2021-2024 Strategic Plan

Please take a moment to read through our newly updated Strategic Plan. We dedicated time over the last year to define the values and vision of our committee. Along, with exploring where our energy is best spent to help protect our local marine resources.

Vision: To sustain and enhance a healthy, resilient marine environment where individuals are engaged and strive to support life for all inhabitants of Island County.

Values: The MRC values collaboration, inclusivity, and community-driven projects which are scientifically based, meaningful, and generate lasting results.

2021-2024 Strategic Plan
Jan Kocian - Eelgrass

Check Out Our Eelgrass Storymap!

Back in 2007, a concerned resident noticed that the eelgrass beds near her home were disappearing. She decided to take action, and soon community scientists embarked on a ten-year research project to learn about the health and distribution of eelgrass beds in Island County, Washington.

This Storymap covers what eelgrass is and its role in our ecosystem, the research that this community science team conducted, the Island County Marine Resources Committee, and ways that you can help protect this critical habitat. It features stunning photography and relatable science in an immersive platform.


View the Eelgrass Storymap
Hugh Shipman

The 2021 Needs Assessment Summary is Live!

As a result of months of hard work conducting interviews and synthesizing data, the 2021 MRC Needs Assessment Overview is available for distribution! This concise document will inform the MRC's decisions for years to come. Check it out here:

2021 Needs Assessment Overview

For more supporting documentation, visit the 2021 Needs Assessment Project page.